Beware of Sour Cream

by admin on November 9, 2010

No, that is not the latest FDA warning, and it is not news of the latest recall.  Rather, it is sound advice for Albuquerque drivers who recently were caught in a traffic snarl involving a semi-truck accident that left gallons upon gallons of sour cream near I-25.

Initial reports suggest the New Mexico truck accident was caused when the driver was speeding too fast for conditions.  There has been no word on how burrito and enchilada eaters will handle Albuquerque’s shortage of sour cream.


Clines Corner Truck Accident

by admin on November 7, 2010

Another New Mexico truck accident occurred near Clines Corners.  According to initial reports, during the truck accident, a semi-truck rolled over.  Authorities are recommending drivers seek an alternate route.


Semi truck rolls over vehicle

January 20, 2010

A New Mexico semi truck accident reeked havoc on Interstate 25 recently. The New Mexico truck accident occurred just outside Albuquerque near Sandia Pueblo and Bernalillo. According to witnesses at the scene, the semitruck rolled over the other vehicle tearing off its roof. Although the New Mexico semi truck accident occurred at 10:30 PM it [...]

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Stop a New Mexico Truck Insurance from Denying Coverage

January 13, 2010

Trucking is big business in America and so is the business of insuring New Mexico semi trucks.  New Mexico truck insurance companies will often insert highly restrictive language into their policies with truck companies that would, if enforceable, prevent a person who was injured in a truck accident from receiving compensation for his or her [...]

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New Mexico Truck Accident Strikes Again

September 4, 2009

Bad things come in pairs.  Within minutes of a fatal New Mexico semi truck accident near Guadalupe and Torrance County, another fatal New Mexico truck accident occurred within 2 miles.  The second semi truck accident involved two separate semi trucks and happened when one semi struck another truck from behind. New Mexico state police believe [...]

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New Mexico Semi Truck Accident Verdict From Far Away

December 2, 2008

A New Mexico semi truck accident that occurred near Tucumcari resulted in a $15.3 million verdict for the injured plaintiffs.  The New Mexico semi truck accident victim sustained a severe spinal cord injury and will no doubt have enormous future medical expenses.  What makes the case unique is that although it is a New Mexico [...]

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Just How Dangerous are Semi Trucks

November 28, 2008

New Mexico semi truck accidents are not only common, but all too often result in horrific injuries and often times fatalities.  It is understandable why the accidents are so severe.  The sheer size disparity between a semi truck and most passenger vehicles is huge.  Roughly 5,000 people die every year from semi truck accidents.  For [...]

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Punitive Damages for Semi Truck Accident Violations?

November 26, 2008

New Mexico semi truck drivers are required to follow stringent requirements when it comes to driving their big rigs.  The New Mexico truck accident blog has addressed the numerous semi truck regulations that apply, both from the state and federal level.  However, one intriguing issue for a New Mexico truck accident lawyer is when does [...]

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New Mexico Truck Driver Regulations Require Looking Closely

November 23, 2008

  When we took our driver license test, it was fairly simple.  You basically need to be careful of other cars and not drive like a fool.  Similarly, most New Mexico car accidents are generally explained by a police report.  Either somebody ran a red light, did not yield, or perhaps was driving drunk. However, [...]

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